Vision & Values

Our Vision
Our Vision

Leading people to follow Jesus and find life.

“But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John 4:14

Our Values

These values represent who we desire to be as followers of Jesus. We aren't claiming perfection but are guided by these as we pursue Jesus. We believe living out these values will develop an effective follower of Jesus and lead to an affective church.

We deeply love God and fully love people.

With everything we are and everything we have, we love God. Our love for God is best shown by how we love people. Rather than judge, assume the worst, or throw stones, we view people as God does and believe the best is yet to come for everyone.

We follow the way of Jesus.

Our desire is to look more like Jesus. We become more like Him by living out His practices and principles. We won’t be accidentally formed by the world around us; we are intentionally formed by the way of Jesus.

We live Spirit-led.

We are fully submitted to the voice and leadership of the Holy Spirit. We are led by Him; not our own flesh or the opinion of others. It is only through His power and presence that we are transformed into new people.

We prioritize the Kingdom.

Seeking first what matters to God, we focus on His priorities over everything else. We have an eternal perspective that changes how we lead ourselves and families, and influence the people around us. The goal isn’t for our temporary kingdom to grow, but to see lives changed forever as we build His eternal Kingdom.

We are irrationally generous.

With our time, talent, and treasure, we are eager to serve and give with a willing heart. Rather than avoiding with excuses, we seek out opportunities to be generous. We don’t deserve what we have, so we hold it loosely and give it freely knowing God will bless when we obey.

We are committed to community.

It’s impossible to follow Jesus alone. We need people to lift us up and keep us going, so we surround ourselves with a community of believers. Only when we are open and honest will we build each other up to become more like Jesus.

We have expectant, mountain-moving faith.

We believe God has the ability to do the impossible. He can provide a way, perform a miracle, and redeem any person or situation.